Consulting Testimonial 2024

One of best ways I can continue to connect with other like minded small businesses is by sharing pieces of clients' reviews. Plus, this really helps me better serve others when I can read what was most beneficial to you.

I'd be super grateful if you took a few minutes to share your thoughts.  

Thank you!

Please specify

Name and Website

Please answer '

What was your favorite part of the process?

Please answer '

What is 1 thing you were worried, nervous, or unsure about that I helped you through?

Please specify

How do you feel about SEO and your website after our time working together?

Please answer '

I don't have google reviews (yet!) but if you could leave me one I could share, what would it be?

Please specify

Would you like a backlink to your website? If so, please share which URL and which keyphrase you're trying to rank for.

Please choose one or more options

Seriously, thank you for taking the time to do this.   I appreciate you!